I plan to always keep my creations custom fitted, that means I do not offer options of ordering sizes (example size 6 ¾, 6 ⅞, 7, 7 ⅛, 7 ¼, 7 ½, 7 ⅝ etc) instead if you order a custom Havstad hat, you will be sent a head measurement kit with instructions and necessary tools to get your head measurements so I can make you the best fitting hat possible.
Cate will be open for custom commissions again in November 2021.
In November Cate will take the first round of orders, this intake period will be very limited. These orders can expect a Spring 2022 delivery date.
Cate will complete building hats in Spring 2022 and transition over to full time work for Casad Family Farms in May, and will resume building hats again in late October of 2022.
Due to the demand on my time working on commissioned work I don’t offer renovation services. If your Havstad hat is in need of a cleaning and/or reshaping I am happy to give your Havstad hat a tune up.
ABSOLUTELY! Havstad hats are built to withstand a lifetime of wear in the rain, sun, snow. I only work with the highest quality beaver fur felts. Beaver fur is used because it is the most naturally water repellent, durable and fine fur that creates a beyond-a-lifetime hat. I made the decision years ago that if I was to do this, I would be doing it the right way, creating pieces that would be heirlooms to be passed down from generation to generation. Be sure to read the "Hat Care" card included in your hat box for tips on caring for your hat after a heavy soaking from rain/snow etc.
Beavers are farmed in Europe for the cosmetic and fragrance industry. It is not an industry I support but I do support using all part of an animal that are harvested. By using the furs, hatmakers utilize a by-product of this industry. All felts are made in the USA.
Due to the nature of working with plant dyes, there will be some inherent variations in the dyes. Though I have gotten the process as uniform as possible, please know that by ordering a naturally dyed natural material, the beauty is in the uniqueness and with that uniqueness comes natural variation. Also please note that ALL hat colors will lighten with time and exposure to the sun, it's a natural part of the aging process that gives a well worn hat the hard earned patina of time and adventures.
If patience isn’t your thing, I’m not your hatter. If you have a deadline like a wedding you would like to wear your hat at, please let me know about this before placing your order so I can let you know if I can accommodate your expectations.
You have two options here, you can order a new hat or your old hat can be reshaped. The high quality beaver felts I work with have the durability and resilience to be re-blocked, cleaned and reshaped over and over and over throughout your lifetime. If you want to freshen up your look by trying a new style, contact me via email.
Send an email to orders@havstadhatco.com with subject line GIFT CERTIFICATE. All gift certificates must be paid for in full upon time of purchase.
Like a nice pair of leather boots, or any other quality item, some love and attention to caring for your hat will go a long way. Included in the hat box your hat is shipped in is a Hat Care Card that outlines how to care for your heirloom hat and my favorite types of hat brushes. If you lost your hat care card send me an email and I’ll send you a pdf of the document. Here are a couple of my top suggestions;
*Do not leave your hat in the car!
*Never l your hat on the dash of your car, that is a quick way to warp the brim.
*When your hat gets nicely saturated with water (rain, snow) find a nice place to hang it in a way that the crown and brim are unobstructed while it dries.
*When it has gotten very sweaty, very saturated by rain or snow, or you plan to store it for a long period of time, it is best to put your head block (that was shipped in the hat to you) back into the hat to keep that perfect fit.
*Brush your hat from time to time. Brush in counter-clockwise direction on the top side, clockwise on the underside.
*A light sanding (hand sanding with 320 grit) of dirty spots can usually lift away spots. Anything more intense should be sent back to me or another professional hatter for cleaning.
*Don’t ever let someone grab your hat off your head, shame on them.
*As a rule, don’t rest your hat on the brim. Set your hat upside down, resting on the crown. Preferred is to hang your hat on a hook when possible.
OPENing for
spring 2023
Our books are filled for the 2022 hat season. Thank you for all your support! We will be opening for a limited amount of custom orders for our 2023 season starting next spring. Follow the link below to join our waitlist and be notified when we open the shop via our newsletter.